Life Purpose Coaching

Effort and courage

are not enough without

direction and purpose

John F Kennedy

Discover your purpose woven within the pages of your life story...

fearless dark square quote

As a Certified Life Purpose Coach®, Esther helps you to discover the meaningful personal and professional change and solutions you want. Esther does not tell you what to do, but she walks with you on your pathway to purpose.  During coaching sessions, Esther helps you dig deep for big shiny diamond answers and "aha-moments."  

The key to powerful coaching is the “aha-moment."  When you discover the answers that fit with how you tick, you'll take action and achieve the signifiant results you want.  Esther's passion is to draw out the BEST in you-- she shares her expertise in locating and bringing forth the precious treasure in you.

With a whole person approach to coaching, Esther builds on your unique learning capacity. She engages your whole life intellectually, emotionally, relationally and spiritually.  Esther understands that your life story is woven together from personal and professional experiences, spiritual development and relationships as well as current circumstances and habits.  Whether you are seeking clarity about your calling and purpose, facing challenges and confusion as a parent, or desiring to grow your business or ministry, Esther empowers and equips you to embrace change confidently.  First, you begin by assessing where you are right now and where you want to be. Then Esther coaches you to bridge the gap so you face each day knowing, "I was born for this!"  

Live a vision that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning

Are you ready to unlock the power of your purpose and unleash your potential?

Life Purpose Coaching Empowers You to

Identify your gifts, talents, values and passions

Strategize a plan achieve your life goals

Discover your God given purpose and calling

Learn to live a God surrendered life

Develop a plan to overcome beliefs holding you back

Live confidently on purpose and with purpose

Plan for spiritual, mental, emotional & physical balance

Begin thriving and positively impacting others

Life Purpose Coaching Packages

Unlock the Power of Your Purpose Package

If God has a Purpose for You, why do you often feel as though you are simply going through the motions of living? 

This Life Purpose Coaching Package is a series of 10 life-changing appointments in which we connect the dots between living amidst the details of your life and living God's purposes for your life.  Conversations on Purpose® is a powerful and encouraging tool to help you along your journey towards purpose filled living and personal growth.  We will explore how your gifts, talents, experiences, style, skills, and all God has given you intersect with your passion and purposes in life.

This package can be tailor-made to your desired length of session and preference for face to face and/or telephone appointments. Whether you prefer longer face to face sessions or the convenience of a telephone session whilst traveling for work or pleasure, this package allows you to continue investing in your goals and dreams with an approach that best suits your lifestyle. 

  • 10 x 1 hours Life Purpose Coaching sessions spaced over 3 months
  • Tailor Made Package to fit your lifestyle:  in-person and/or phone sessions.
  • May combine sessions for longer session if desired.
Reflection in Life Purpose Facing Right

Your Life on the Movie Screen®

Private Strategic Life Planning Retreat

We were created for a purpose. Knowing that purpose unlocks freedom and power to be all God designed and called us.

A private, strategic 2 day process that asks questions to unlock your stories and lead you into a discovery of purpose that empowers you the rest of your life.  This Holy Spirit driven process uses a unique set of proprietary, diagnostic tools to develop a moving picture of your life--much like viewing a movie with God as the Producer! A personalized Life Purpose Plan walks you through a self-discovery about your God ordained past, present and future and then puts tools in your hands to live it out well.

A Strategic Life Purpose Plan helps you find your unique design, purpose and sphere of ministry God has intended for your life so at the end of the day your hearts sings!

  • 2 Day (16 hour) Tailor Made Private Retreat looking at your life, your dreams, your gifts, your passions and laying out a plan to live a balanced, full, and purpose-filled life
  • 20-25 page printed, bound, and ready-to-live blueprint for the future
  • Additional Coaching and Profiling Tools and Sessions (Highlands, DISC) available to supplement this Package.

Life Purpose Coaching Client Testimonials

Esther’s coaching style was very fitting for my needs: comforting, reassuring and yet, she also directed me with authority, using short questions that prompted me to uncover more about myself while correcting my old negative beliefs.


I highly recommend Esther and the Strategic Life Plan program to any one who is at a time of transition.   Not only has the program helped me to focus more clearly on a forward-looking plan, but also Esther’s heeding to the Spirit, her insights and style helped me to recognize my uniqueness and a deeper revelation of who God has created me to be & the purposes He has for me to look forward to with hope and to take little steps into the future.”

J.Y, Corporate Lawyer at Investment Bank, Seeking greater Purpose in Life and Work

"Esther is warm and insightful.  It is easy to open your heart and discuss your doubts in God and in life with her. She always provides a different angle or view that sheds light on the blockage I may have and any misbeliefs. Through the coaching sessions she helps reveal the Godly truth of myself and of my life purpose. It helps me see clearer what God's plan is for me."

E.W., Law Professional from Mainland China

Esther is discerning. I especially appreciated Esther's pointing out my blind spots—I had a pattern of my wanting to serve whenever I myself see a need. Without her, I may walk into the same pattern.  The second day of my strategic planning retreat was a day of clarity and freedom while I gained "preview" of God's plan for me and the message of letting God take over driver's seat of my life while I travel my life with him.  I felt I was standing on a firmer ground.  Although I was exhausted after the two days, my spirit was like a bird out of a cage. 

Yvonne, Investment Researcher

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Complimentary Discovery Call

Find out how coaching can change your life. Connect with Esther to schedule your 20 minute Discovery Call.  A Discovery Call is just like it sounds--an opportunity to discover if we will make a good match and if our values and intentions are aligned.  You will also discover which coaching service best fits you at this time.  

When you schedule your Discovery Call, you’ll receive pre-Discovery questionnaire.  Your answers will help guide our initial conversation.

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